Dear valued client,
First, we hope you and your families are keeping safe and well during these uncertain and unprecedented times. The purpose of my reaching out is to update you on NSC operations as they pertain to safety, and our company’s commitment to serving the needs of our clientele. The onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic has jolted our nation and the world, and shines an important mission-critical focus on the role of safety within every organization.
At NSC, safety remains our company’s core value and the driver behind two important programs: SAWHORSE (Safety At Work, Home, Office, Recreation, Safety Everywhere) to ensure best safety practices are followed culturally by everyone at NSC at all times; and SAFE (Safety Analytics For Evaluation), designed to incorporate safety data analytics to measure our safety practices on every project.
Our safety-centric culture is baked into our processes and procedures and deployed on every project. Safety has never been more relevant to our success than in today’s new normal. The clients we serve, from utilities to critical infrastructure, are classified by the government as ‘essential,’ and accordingly, our work continues as an essential company dedicated to continuous operation in support of our clients.
We want you to know our safety best practices are more relevant and important than at any time in our history. Not only are we adopting the recommendations of regulatory agencies and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), we are implementing truly innovative measures to ensure our employees are entering the work force in good health and leaving each project healthy.
Our focus is detailed in not only project-specific controls to address the pandemic and the way it propagates, but also taking into consideration the task-specific duties of our employees and craft on every project. We are sparing no effort to work and perform our services with as much caution and safety as humanly possible, mitigating conditions that lead to transmission of the virus while adhering to our core safety procedures that differentiate NSC from our competition.
NSC stands ready to provide continued services to clients deemed ‘essential’ by the U.S. government, and will continue to exercise care and caution throughout our enterprise and on every job site while the nation and world rally to find a cure. We hope and trust you and your family will stay safe and well until then!
Bob Dunn
Chief Executive Officer
National Steel City, LLC