Nevada Power & Light
Combustion Turbine Inlet Air Chiller System
Nevada Power – Chuck Lenzie Station
Moapa Air Cooled Condenser Project
Air Cooled Condenser Project
Cumberland Station
Scrubber Upgrade Project
Flue Gas Desulfurization Retrofit Project
Kingston Dry Flue Gas Desulfurization Project
Tennessee Valley Authority
Precipitator Rebuilds, Baghouse, and Duct System
Southern Company | Plant Bowen
McIntosh Power Plant SCR Project
Lakeland Electric
FGD Retrofit Project
Merom Generating Station
Pre-Heater Replacement Project
Southern Company | Plant Bowen
Recovery Boiler Project
Georgia Pacific
Precipitator Rebuild Project
Plant Barry
Baghouse and Pantsleg Duct Replacement
Southern Company | Plant Gorgas
Dry Ash Handling System
Southern Company | Plant Bowen
Combined Cycle U4-6
Plant McDonough
SCR Project
Southern Company | Plant Gorgas